On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 10:54 PM, James Keenan via RT
> This module is written in Perl 5 and is called in a program written in
> Perl 5.  In the work I've done in this project, I've taken the approach
> to return values which I think is more Perlish, namely, if a subroutine
> completes and does what you wanted it to, it should return a true value.
>  A bare return returns an undef, which in Perl is false.  False values
> (whether empty string, empty list, 0 or undef) should indicate some
> unsatisfactory completion of the subroutine.
> Having these subs end in a bare return to me connotes an unsatisfactory
> outcome of some sort.  That's why I did not have them end in bare
> returns, and it's why I object to the changes that were made yesterday.

Not every function has a true/false return value. These methods that
were refactored from the original script are only invoked once, and
are just there to encapsulate code. They are not expected to return a
true -or- false value. The one place they are invoked outside of the
test suite treats them as a void return value and doesn't save the
return value, let alone have a conditional based on it. Since there's
no 'void' return in perl, undef is about as close as you can get. "I'm
done, and I didn't die."

That said, we can agree to disagree on that point for now, and leave
the tests unchanged for the moment...

... because we can change the bare 'return;'s to 'return 1;' for now.
That avoids the implicit return value that we were unintentionally
getting, and will get us one step closer to passing the perlcritic
policy [Subroutines::RequireFinalReturn].

> Thank you very much.
> kid51

Will "Coke" Coleda

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