On Wednesday 16 July 2008 19:54:57 James Keenan via RT wrote:

> This module is written in Perl 5 and is called in a program written in
> Perl 5.  In the work I've done in this project, I've taken the approach
> to return values which I think is more Perlish, namely, if a subroutine
> completes and does what you wanted it to, it should return a true value.

I don't consider that particularly Perlish; I prefer to throw exceptions on 
failure instead of adding an "Everything's Okay!" alarm to my code.  Yet I 
only bring this up because it's not a practice I've seen consistently applied 
throughout our Perl 5 code.

If it's a practice that enough committers want apply to our code, that's fine 
and I have no strong preference either way -- but it's news to me.

>  A bare return returns an undef, which in Perl is false.

That's not exactly true.  Sometimes it returns an empty list.

> Having these subs end in a bare return to me connotes an unsatisfactory
> outcome of some sort.

Me too, but for a different reason -- it's vestigial magical useless 
copy-and-paste non-functional code added to satisfy a poorly implemented 
Perl::Critic policy.  We should be removing code that doesn't do anything 
useful instead of adding more of it.

-- c

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