# New Ticket Created by  "Carl Mäsak" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #57396]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=57396 >

$ ./perl6 -e 'my $x; $x.foo()'

works, but

$ ./perl6 -e 'sub a { my $x; $x.foo() }; a()'
Method 'foo' not found for invocant of class 'Undef'
current instr.: 'a' pc 82 (EVAL_13:42)
called from Sub '_block11' pc 17 (EVAL_13:11)
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 806
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1305
called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6::Compiler;main' pc 14623 (perl6.pir:172)
perl6(33740) malloc: *** error for object 0x2994f90: double free
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Segmentation fault


The method call "$x.foo()" can be replaced with other things that
attempt to read $x -- such as "$x++" or "$x[0]" -- with similar

Actually, this segfaults too, even though execution never enters the sub:

$ ./perl6 -e 'sub a { my $x; $x.foo() }; A()'
invoke() not implemented in class 'Undef'
current instr.: '_block11' pc 23 (EVAL_13:15)
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 806
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1305
called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6::Compiler;main' pc 14902 (perl6.pir:172)
perl6(37079) malloc: *** error for object 0x298f720: double free
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Segmentation fault

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