I edited PDD09 tonight to try and add some details and some
clarification on points that weren't particularly clear before. I have
a few questions that need answering before I can do more:

1) GC_trace_normal and GC_trace_stack_FLAG are defined exactly the
same. However, GC_trace_normal is never used anywhere. Since we
already have a flag that does the same thing, and since we never use
it, should we just remove GC_trace_normal from the PDD?
2) What does GC_no_trace_volatile_roots do? It's description is very
short and cryptic: "Trace root set except volatile roots. That is skpe
e.g. registers." Also, this flag is never used in Parrot. If we intend
to use it in the future, we should provide a better description. If
not, we should remove it from the PDD.
3) PDD09 specifies that the "dod" acronym is deprecated and shouldn't
be used anymore. However, it's still used in a lot of places.  If we
don't want to rename a bunch of functions and variables, we should
change the PDD to say that the term is not completely deprecated.

This is just the first half of the PDD, I'm sure I'll generate more
questions as I try to read through it more.

--Andrew Whitworth

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