On Monday 04 August 2008 16:36:15 Andrew Whitworth wrote:

> I edited PDD09 tonight to try and add some details and some
> clarification on points that weren't particularly clear before. I have
> a few questions that need answering before I can do more:
> 1) GC_trace_normal and GC_trace_stack_FLAG are defined exactly the
> same. However, GC_trace_normal is never used anywhere. Since we
> already have a flag that does the same thing, and since we never use
> it, should we just remove GC_trace_normal from the PDD?


> 2) What does GC_no_trace_volatile_roots do? It's description is very
> short and cryptic: "Trace root set except volatile roots. That is skpe
> e.g. registers." Also, this flag is never used in Parrot. If we intend
> to use it in the future, we should provide a better description. If
> not, we should remove it from the PDD.

I don't see a use for it.

> 3) PDD09 specifies that the "dod" acronym is deprecated and shouldn't
> be used anymore. However, it's still used in a lot of places.  If we
> don't want to rename a bunch of functions and variables, we should
> change the PDD to say that the term is not completely deprecated.

Let's rename a bunch of functions and variables (after the next release).

-- c

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