Git is really nice for:
    local branches,
    frequently(daily) rebasing local branches to keep in sync with HEAD,
    publishing local branches for others to review,
allowing non-committers to make changes and publish those changes publicly


Will Coleda wrote:
Using svn as a backing store, how can we more easily work with long
lived branches?

I've some existing branches which are long lived, and doing the svn
merge either way is extremely slow.

I know much of our community used svk for a while; I think the usage
there has dropped off as git is the new shiny. My usage of svk was for
local branching; I couldn't easily share my work in progress with the

Does anyone have *any* recommendations? (including: you're doing the
merge wrong).

I'm bccing the current svn admins to find out if they have any ideas as well.

Would an upgrade on the server side to 1.5 help with performance? (It
would certainly make the maintenance aspect of the merging less

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