On Tuesday 05 August 2008 07:50:41 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (via RT) wrote:

> * Today I downloaded parrot-0.6.4 to my Debian PC.
> * I also installed the libicu-dev, libicu38 packages before configuration
> * cd parrot-0.6.4; perl Configure.pl; make; cd languages/perl6; make perl6
> * It seems that every program that starts with 'say' produces a
> Segmentation fault on my system
> * I will happily provide additional info (if requested) or test newer
> versions on my PC to verify that the bug is present/gone.

I just fixed one such bug in optimized builds (r30047) for all programs which 
use fakecutables such as perl6 or pbc_to_exe.  Can you show a program which 
demonstrates this error after that checkin?

-- c

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