# New Ticket Created by  Andy Dougherty 
# Please include the string:  [perl #57900]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=57900 >

There's been a change somewhere in the Configure system such that the 
solaris.pm hints no longer work.  While running 

        perl Configure.pl --cc=gcc --verbose

I got the following message:

Parrot Version 0.6.4 Configure 2.0
Copyright (C) 2001-2008, The Perl Foundation.

Hello, I'm Configure. My job is to poke and prod your system to figure out
how to build Parrot. The process is completely automated, unless you passed in
the `--ask' flag on the command line, in which case I'll prompt you for a few
pieces of info.

Since you're running this program, you obviously have Perl 5--I'll be pulling
some defaults from its configuration.
sh: svn: not found

Checking MANIFEST.....................................................done.
Setting up Configure's default values.................................done.
Setting up installation paths.........................................done.
Tweaking settings for miniparrot...................................skipped.
Loading platform and local hints files...
[ init::hints::solaris init::hints::local ].............................done.
Finding header files distributed with Parrot..........................done.
Determining what C compiler and linker to use...
Can't exec "./test_3877": No such file or directory at 
lib/Parrot/Configure/Utils.pm line 85.

step inter::progs died during execution: Can't run the test program: No such 
file or directory at config/init/hints/solaris.pm line 40.

 at Configure.pl line 71

[ . . .  more failures omitted . . . ]

Configure.pl actually continues to run, but ends with:

    During configuration the following steps failed:
        07:  inter::progs
        11:  auto::gcc
        16:  auto::msvc
        27:  auto::alignptrs
        29:  auto::sizes
        30:  auto::byteorder
        31:  auto::va_ptr
        53:  auto::snprintf
    You should diagnose and fix these errors before calling 'make'

The problem appears to be in config/init/hints/solaris.pm in
the solaris_link_cb function.  That function tries to compile and run a
simple test.c program.  I don't know where the _3877 part of the
filename is coming from, but it's confusing the hint file.  If the
cc_gen function is going to munge the file name, it ought to tell the
caller what file name it actually ended up using, so the caller can use

    Andy Dougherty              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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