On Wednesday 13 August 2008 07:36:45 Andy Dougherty wrote:

> The problem appears to be in config/init/hints/solaris.pm in
> the solaris_link_cb function.  That function tries to compile and run a
> simple test.c program.  I don't know where the _3877 part of the
> filename is coming from, but it's confusing the hint file.

It's the PID of the program used to compile and run the test.c program.  I 
added the PID to all of the generated files so that parallel testing will 
work without spurious failures.

Does this patch help?

-- c
=== config/init/hints/solaris.pm
--- config/init/hints/solaris.pm	(revision 30240)
+++ config/init/hints/solaris.pm	(local)
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@
         # Can't call cc_build since we haven't set all the flags yet.
         # This should suffice for this test.
         my $cc_inc = $conf->data->get('cc_inc');
-        Parrot::Configure::Utils::_run_command( "$cc -o test test.c",
-            'test.cco', 'test.cco' )
-            and confess "C compiler failed (see test.cco)";
+        Parrot::Configure::Utils::_run_command( "$cc -o test test_$$.c",
+            "test_$$.cco", "test_$$.cco" )
+            and confess "C compiler failed (see test_$$.cco)";
         %gnuc = eval $conf->cc_run() or die "Can't run the test program: $!";
         if ( defined $gnuc{__GNUC__} ) {
             $link = 'g++';

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