Reini Urban wrote:

The issue is not the CPAN SW, which can easily be fixed somewhen (no-index),
the CPAN mirror network and the popularity is what parrot should look
forward to, IMHO

For that purpose, we're better off targeting the much larger distribution networks of Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat, SuSE, MacPorts, and a Windows installer.

Note that the Perl 5 interpreter isn't installed through the CPAN command-line. CPAN is a *module* archive, and was never intended for what we're doing with Parrot. (And since Parrot's needs are unique, it's highly unlikely that CPAN will ever be extended to handle what we need.)

Someday there will be likely be Rakudo-focused tarballs offered on, and Rakudo binaries offered on But, that's a completely separate question, one we'll leave up to Patrick and the CPAN maintainers.


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