Awesome Patrick, you totally nailed it ;-)

I'll be submitting a patch soon. Do you know if there is a Parrot bug
logged for the problem you described?

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 12:27 AM, Patrick R. Michaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 12:46:53PM +0800, Chris Davaz wrote:
>> In any-str.pir we need to figure out how to change
>> .sub 'split' :method :multi('String')
>> into
>> .sub 'split' :method :multi(_, 'String')
>> [...]
> ... let's back up a bit and look at what is really happening.
>> [...] Any when we change ".sub 'split' :method :multi('String')"
>> to ".sub 'split' :method :multi(_, 'String')" I can't even compile
>> Perl 6. I get the following error:
>> No applicable methods.
>> current instr.: 'parrot;Perl6;Grammar;Actions;dec_number' pc 129924
>> (src/gen_actions.pir:11299)
> This isn't precise -- perl6.pbc compiles just fine.  What isn't
> compiling is, because the dec_number method in
> is using the 'split' builtin to get rid of underscores (added in r31225):
>    method dec_number($/) {
>        my $num := ~$/;
>        $num := $num.split('_').join('');
>        make :value( $num ), :returns('Num'), :node( $/ ) );
>    }
> Here we're calling a Perl 6 builtin function from NQP, and NQP
> doesn't convert string constants (such as '_') into String PMCs
> prior to calling the function -- it just generates a PIR method
> call directly.  Unfortunately, Parrot doesn't recognize a string
> constant as being the same as a 'String' for MMD purposes, and
> so it's unable to match the split method declared :multi(_, 'String').
> (This is arguably a Parrot bug, either in design or implementation.)
> The solution to the problem is to define the method to split
> on strings as :multi(_, _) -- i.e.:
>    .namespace ['Any']
>    .sub 'split' :method :multi(_, _)
> This means this method will be used whenever there's not a more
> specific multimethod available.  Furthermore, this is actually
> the correct semantics -- i.e., we expect the following to work
> even though $x is an Int and not a Str:
>    my $x = 9;
>    say 439123912.split($x).perl;   #  [ "43", "123", "12" ]
> So, try changing :multi('String')  to :multi(_,_)  and everything
> should work just fine (and we should get a few more passing tests
> to boot).
> Pm

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