On Friday 29 August 2008 21:47:41 Stephen Weeks wrote:

> I tried using resizablepmcarray's append() in cardinal and I got 'double
> fre or corruption' on program exit.
> I tried to fix it, but I'm not sure about GC issues.
> As far as I can tell, the attached shouldwork.patch (which adds
> GC_WRITE_BARRIER before the write) should fix the problem, but it doesn't
> change anything.
> The attached doeswork.patch actually does fix the issue, but has some
> obvious issues.
> As far as I can tell, shouldwork.patch is doing the same thing as
> calling VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_int does, so I'm not sure why it doesn't
> work.
> I couldn't reproduce it with ResizablePMCArrays directly, though.  I'll
> keep working to see if I can generate a small test case.
> Anyone have any ideas?

Do you have a small PIR program which demonstrates the problem?  Does r31933 

-- c

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