On Sat Nov 08 09:32:09 2008, pmichaud wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 08, 2008 at 12:54:52AM -0800, Ilya Belikin wrote:
> > sub foo (@a) { 1.say for @a }
> > foo((1,2,3,4));       # only one 1
> > foo([1,2,3,4]);       # only one 1
> > foo( my @a = 1,2,3 ); # only one 1
> > 
> > This one really pesky bug :(
> I suspect this appeared as a result of the recent updates to
> container semantics. 
Bang on. There's a bit of a subtlety in that when we have a parameter we
tend to wrap it in a Perl6Scalar (which we need to rename at some point
I guess, but anyways...). This inherits from ObjectRef. *But* just
because something was wrapped up in a Perl6Scalar to and enforce
readonly-ness and additional type checking doesn't mean it should have
ObjectRef semantics. Now we detect this and deref a level. Which fixes
the bug, and all other spectests go on passing, so I think it's the
right fix. Checked in as r33245.

> Oddly, we don't seem to have any tests for this in the spectest
> suite (or if there are tests, we aren't running them for some
> reason).
I unfudged the ones moritz++ added.



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