On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 04:56:55PM -0600, Chris Dolan wrote:
> On Feb 28, 2009, at 11:07 AM, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 10:46:10AM -0600, Andy Lester wrote:
>>> On Feb 28, 2009, at 10:29 AM, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>>>> So, for the time being Rakudo's official policy will be to
>>>> accept patch submissions via RT.  I've now cleared the fork queue
>>>> on GitHub; any patches that were previously there need to be
>>>> resubmitted.
>>> My understanding is that this is bad for everyone else, because it  
>>> loses the changeset history by making your committed patch 
>>> different than the accumulated changesets that you're applying.
>>> [...]
> Based on my experience watching the Linux kernel development process via 
> git, I think both Andy and Patrick are partially right.  An important 
> point is that git optimizes for scalability of the project leadership.

Agreed; this was one of the (many) reasons I also decided to make the
jump to git.

> [...] reviewing false starts is an big waste of time 
> for project leaders, who may already be bottlenecks for a project. The 
> Linux dev process insists that submitters do this:
>  1) fork a trunk point
>  2) do work on a branch, which may include false starts
>  3) if the work is more than one commit:
>    a) make a new clean branch
>    b) manually rebuild the patch as a series of commits handling  
> separate concerns
>    c) ask upstream to pull that optimized branch
>  4) submitter deletes dev branch which included the false starts
> This process means the submitted branch/patches represents a fictitious 
> optimal development, as if the programmer were perfect and made no false 
> starts along the way.  That means more work for the submitter of a 
> complicated patch, but sometimes raising the bar is not a bad thing.

Agreed.  And I don't think it's important that Rakudo's patch history
contain _all_ of the false starts made and subsequently corrected by 
an individual developer.  I'd much prefer to see it as fictitious
optimal development.

So, I think what we really need is a good guide describing how
submitters can create the "optimized" branches for the maintainers
to pull from.

> On the other hand, if the submitter thinks the patch is awesome but the 
> reviewer thinks it needs a little work, that's a bit harder because the 
> reviewer needs to do one of the following:
>  1) branch and fix
>     a) make a branch
>     b) pull the submission
>     c) edit
>     d) commit
>  2) edit the patch as text and commit
>  3) reject the patch back to the submitter
> Option #2 is the easiest but the worst because it loses attribution.  #3 
> happens the quite often in the Linux kernel process.  We should not view 
> rejection as rude, but as necessary for a good code base.

In general I'm in favor of #3 as well; I think that rejecting patches 
(with explanation and suggestions for improvement) is another really
good mechanism for raising the quality of code and process.  I don't
find #1 to be too much work either, since it's easy to do local edits
and commits before pushing them to rakudo/master.

> All that said, I have not studied the git best practices for reviewing  
> submissions.  I strongly suspect that there's lots more we can learn  
> from Linux.

Agreed.  And thank you very much for this thoughtful and helpful
message, it really helps to clarify some of my thinking on the topic.


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