On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 04:33:44PM -0700, Geoffrey Broadwell wrote:
> Rakudo doesn't parse Foo::_foo() properly, while Foo::foo() works fine.
> [...]
> $ ./perl6 -e 'module Foo { sub _foo { say "foo" } };  Foo::_foo()'
> Statement not terminated properly at line 1, near "_foo()"

While the patch appears to solve the issue, it also deviates from
the definition given in STD.pm, which uses <alpha> instead of <ident>.
(Also, testing for <ident> is a fair bit more expensive than simply
testing for <alpha>.)

STD.pm appears to parse the above okay, though, so we need to
determine why STD.pm is succeeding here and see if Rakudo should
match that.

Patch rejected (for now), but we'll leave the ticket open until
we can find a solution to the leading underscore problem.



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