On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 08:31:38AM -0500, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 04:33:44PM -0700, Geoffrey Broadwell wrote:
> > Rakudo doesn't parse Foo::_foo() properly, while Foo::foo() works fine.
> > [...]
> > $ ./perl6 -e 'module Foo { sub _foo { say "foo" } };  Foo::_foo()'
> > Statement not terminated properly at line 1, near "_foo()"
> While the patch appears to solve the issue, it also deviates from
> the definition given in STD.pm, which uses <alpha> instead of <ident>.
> (Also, testing for <ident> is a fair bit more expensive than simply
> testing for <alpha>.)
> STD.pm appears to parse the above okay, though, so we need to
> determine why STD.pm is succeeding here and see if Rakudo should
> match that.

Answered on #perl6:
    16:14 <TimToady> pmichaud: _ is considered an alpha

So, we need to patch PGE so that <alpha> matches underscore, and
we need some tests to match.


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