On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 01:01:55PM -0400, Peter Schwenn wrote:
> I get:
>      Reading configuration information from ../../parrot_config ...
>      Parrot revision r38795 required (currently r0)

What do you get if you manually run "..\..\parrot_config revision"
from the command line (from within the rakudo directory)?

> [Is it possible that configure.pl for rakudo has been changed in some way
> that is incompatible with Win/Cygwin?]

Yes, there were some recent changes to Configure.pl relating to this,
but I don't think anything changed that directly causes this failure.
I'm more likely to suspect that something in your Parrot build is
causing parrot_config to not provide the SVN revision number for Parrot.

How are you obtaining and building Parrot, out of curiosity?


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