Em Qua, 2009-05-27 às 18:46 +0200, Daniel Carrera escreveu:
> Hi Daniel,
Hi Daniel, :P

> Sounds very interesting. Can you post slides? It'd be cool if the talk 
> was taped, like the Google tech talks. Will it be in English? I don't 
> speak Portuguese (I do speak Spanish and some German).

It will be taped, as every talk in FISL is...

The talk will be in portuguese, as the audience of the forum is moslty
portuguese speaker, and submitting it in english would require being in
the main auditorium (the one with simultaneous translation) and getting
that approved would be harder...

But I guess subtitles can be made later... 

> > I'm planning to do a presentation to highlight the most impressive
> > aspects to Perl 6, in some way explaining why we are working on it for 9
> > years while still being excited about it.
> Note: By trying to get things that are impressive, you don't want to do 
> things that are so complicated that the audience gets the feeling that 
> Perl 6 is too hard.

That's a thin line, but I'm aware of it...

> I know this is not the approach you had in mind, but what do you think?

Well, you really made me realize that I'm looking for things that make
me impressed, and probably I don't get impressed that easy nowadays ;)


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