On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 1:37 AM, Daniel Carrera
<daniel.carr...@theingots.org> wrote:
> Hi Damian,
> This is a really good list. Mind if I copy it / modify it and post it
> somewhere like my blog? One question:
>>    * Compactness of expression + semi-infinite data structures:
>>       �...@fib = 1,1...&[+]        # The entire Fibonacci sequence
> Very impressive. That's even shorter than Haskell. What's &[+] ? How does
> this work? In Haskell:

Start with the addition operator, '1 + 1'.  Apply the reducing
metaoperator to it so that it works syntactically like a function:
'[+] 1, 1'.  Instead of calling it, pass a code reference to it:
'&[+]'.  The lazy list then uses that function to extend the list as

What I'm wondering is how the list knows to feed two items into '[+]'.
 While 'infix:<+>' must accept exactly two arguments, '[+]' can accept
an arbitrarily long (or short) list of arguments.

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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