<TimToady> masak: there are a couple of bugs noted about an hour ago, if
you're in bug submission withdrawal
<TimToady> rakudo: say pi("wtf")
<p6eval> rakudo 764684: OUTPUT«too many arguments passed - 0 params
<TimToady> rakudo: say e("twf")
<p6eval> rakudo 764684: OUTPUT«2.71828182845905␤»
<TimToady> that one
<masak> twf?
<masak> TimToady: and the pi vs e thing? which one is the bug?
<TimToady> neither pi nor e should really be looking for arguments
<masak> I see.
<TimToady> both, really
* masak submits one more
<TimToady> but e seems to have a sig of ($) or some such
<pochi> I think that is RT#56366
<TimToady> rakudo: say e(1,2)
<p6eval> rakudo 764684: OUTPUT«2.71828182845905␤»
<TimToady> actually, probably no sig
<TimToady> so *...@_, but that's wrong too
<TimToady> rakudo: say e - pi
<p6eval> rakudo 764684: OUTPUT«2.71828182845905␤»
<masak> pochi: aye, you're right. I'll put it under that #56366.
<TimToady> thanks
<pochi> masak: e can be "fixed" in the same way as pi has been fixed
<mberends> is that being evaluated as e( - pi ) ?
<TimToady> yes
<pochi> I tried playing with the grammar rules, but couldn't figure it
out :)
<TimToady> they need to parse as a simple term, like type names
<TimToady> only they happen to be defined

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