I think this is a much more flexible system than those suggested so far. It seems to me that this approach - lets the OS and the implementation deal with pathways that are valid (taking into account locale and OS constraints). - defines only that part of the location/directory tree/file system on which perl6 programs operate, rather than having to understand the whole environment in which software could run - delegates to a module if perl6 is to be used to manage a specific environment/OS - offers more future proofing and portability than constraining what can or cannot be in a pathname. - allows users to configure via Policy.pm standard pathnames to something non-standard for development and testing, leaving the software itself unchanged.

Darren Duncan wrote:

When you write a path, then rather than rooting it with "/", you instead root it with "<doi>/".

Examples of "doi" can be:

  fsroot - the root of the real file system, analogous to "/"
  fscwd - the dir that was the fs CWD when Perl started up
  docs - the dir that contains the usual files we want to work with
  temp - the dir where we can put temporary files
  home - the current user's home dir
  mycwd - some other cwd-dir, which is virtual-changeable in Perl

To define a new doi at runtime, something like:

  %DOI{'mycwd'} = %DOI{'fscwd'};
  %DOI{'mycwd'} ~= 'subdir';
  # later
  my $fh = IO.open( 'mycwd/myfile.txt' );

For ease of use, we can still have vars like $*CWD, which might be an alias for a doi with a specific name.

Note, please ignore my specific syntax for denoting Path objects. I defer to other discussions and synopsis for those details, and mainly what I'm trying to put across here is concepts.

My main point here is that we effectively can have multiple CWD in the same Perl thread, and it shouldn't be too much trouble to make this work well.

-- Darren Duncan

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