Darren Duncan wrote:
The named filesystem roots can be defined or altered at runtime by Perl code, and each one is defined within the context of another.

I should clarify my intention here, which is that each DOI is mapped behind the scenes by Perl to a standalone absolute filesystem url, and when you define one DOI in terms of another, their definitions are *not* bound together. For example, if you define DOI "b" as subdir "foo" of DOI "a", and then you later redefine what "a" is, then "b" does *not* automatically update to be the "foo" subdir of the altered "a", but rather keeps its original meaning. So this keeps things simpler and avoids action at a distance. Well the only "action at a distance" is that any subsequently executed code with a p{a/bar/baz} will use the new meaning of "a". -- Darren Duncan

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