Tim (>), Carl (>>), Tim (>>>):
>> > I'd be grateful for feedback on any of the slides, but I'm especially
>> > interested in updates for:
>> >
>> >    page 73 - Perl 6 implementations
>> >                I've added Mildew, with links, to the SMOP line
>> >                anything I should add / change / remove?
>> >                What's the status of KindaPerl6?
>> I think Elf could very well be added to those.
>> >    page 77 - quantity of code writen in Perl 6
>> >                are there any other significant perl6 codebases?
>> Again, Elf is a nice, large example. :)
> Got a url? (I've not been keeping up with perl6 as much as I'd like)

This one here seems a good introduction: <http://perl.net.au/wiki/Elf>.

>> Depending on what you mean by significant, I'd also like to direct
>> your attention towards SVG::Plot, proto, Gamebase, CSV, Druid, Form,
>> HTTP::Daemon, Perl6::SQLite and Web.pm. All of those can be downloaded
>> via proto.
> I'd really appreciate a list of "significant" perl6 projects, with a
> few words of description of each, that I could put on a slide.
> (Similar to the "Many gems on CPAN ..." on page 18.)
> The goal being to give a sense that there are "significant" projects
> being implemented in perl6.

The list I gave above was my subjective, somewhat hasty traversal of
projects.list, filtering on what I consider significant (meaning that
people use it today or it holds some promise). Here's the same list,
with a one-sentence (also subjective) description of each project:

  Draw bar charts, line charts and pie charts in SVG.
  Install Perl 6 projects, painlessly.
  Create games with animated 2D sprites.
  Read .csv files.
  Play a connection game which grows upwards.
  Format text nicely à la Exigesis 7.
  Make a web server.
  Interact with an SQLite database.
  Create web applications with powerful tools.

It's entirely possible that I've forgotten some important module
above, so don't hesitate to pipe up if one comes to mind.

// Carl

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