On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 5:55 PM, Ronald Schmidt
<ronal...@software-path.com> wrote:
> Will Coleda wrote:
> Was there an old copy of parrot around from a previous build of rakudo?
> If so, you might want to move aside the D:\Src\rakudo\parrot*
> directories and rebuild parrot using the appropriate rakudo
> Configure.pl option.
> I am having the same problems a Mr Nagel.  AFAIK I am building rakudo with
> the version of parrot specified in the build\PARROT_REVISION file of
> rakudo.  For the current version of rakudo this seems to be set to 44371 and
> I am seeing the problems with that revision.  As a lark I tried setting the
> number in that file to something more recent, 44592, and rerunning the
> rakudo 'perl Configure.pl --gen_parrot' to update parrot, but got the same
> end results.
> Ron

Please try removing the parrot and parrot_install directories and try
the --gen-parrot option again and let me know if that changes the
failure mode.

Will "Coke" Coleda

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