# New Ticket Created by  "Carl Mäsak" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #73792]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=73792 >

<ash_> what would a state variable in a class definition be like?
<masak> ash_: like this? class A { state $foo }
<ash_> yeah

<masak> ash_: it wouldn't really make practical sense, because the
class block is only run once.
<masak> (AFAIK)
<jnthn> What does a state variable gain over a lexical in a class body?
<jnthn> Unless it's an anonymous class... :-)
<jnthn> In a role it'd be really funky though. :-)
<masak> hm :)
<jnthn> role Foo[::T] { ... } # body may be run many times.
<masak> rakudo: role A[::T] { state $foo; say ++$foo }; A[Int]; A[Str]
<p6eval> rakudo db0f85: OUTPUT«Symbol '$foo' not predeclared in
!class_init_12 [...]
<masak> aww :)
* masak submits rakudobug
<jnthn> masak: state nyi in Rakudo
<jnthn> (master)
<masak> oh.
<jnthn> well
<jnthn> file ticket anyway
<masak> alpha: role A[::T] { state $foo; say ++$foo }; A[Int]; A[Str]
<p6eval> alpha 30e0ed:  ( no output )
<jnthn> There's no promise it'll just work right off.
<TimToady> if you want multiple state vars in role, that probably
means there's a missing clone
<TimToady> since cloning dups state vars
<masak> TimToady: what would the above code print? 1\n2\n, right?
<ash_> well, in that case, my thoughts wouldn't work right, if state is cloned
<TimToady> masak: it doesn't print anything in my head before I've had my coffee
<masak> TimToady: :)
<TimToady> I'm just saying that *if* role clones its block on
instantiation, you'd get 1,1
<masak> nod.
<TimToady> but if you had state $.foo, it'd presumably put an accessor to each 1
<masak> right now it prints nothing, even in alpha, so it's definitely a bug :)
<TimToady> my brane is NYI today

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