That is terribly confusing.  I'm tempted to argue for .pick not being
defined on scalar values.

Do any of the other non-Enumerated types besides Bool have a finite
range?  I'd say .pick should return an appropriate random value when
applied to any such.

On Monday, June 28, 2010, Patrick R. Michaud via RT
<> wrote:
> On Mon Jun 28 04:49:23 2010, wrote:
>> Using the June release:
>> $ perl6 --version
>> This compiler is built with the Parrot Compiler Toolkit, parrot
>> revision 47640.
>> Attempting to print some random numers via Bool.pick
>> gives no output:
> For a wide variety of reasons, Rakudo currently implements Bool as a
> fundamental type rather than an enumeration.  As such, Bool.pick is
> acting the same as if one had written "Int.pick" or "Num.pick" -- it's
> treating the invocant as a list of one element and then returning the
> type object directly.  And Bool as a type object always returns false
> because it is undefined.
> For now, the workaround is to do (False,True).pick until we can properly
> implement .pick on enumerations, and figure out how to turn Bool into
> one (or convince the specification that Bool is not really an
> enumeration :-).
> Pm

Mark J. Reed <>

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