I didn't misunderstand.  I just find it confusing that $foo.pick
returns $foo when $foo isn't a collection.  It's logical but
surprising, orthogonal instead of diagonal.  I'd rather see .pick fail
for non-collections.

I get that Bool.pick is supposed to work either way.

On Tuesday, June 29, 2010, Carl Mäsak via RT
<perl6-bugs-follo...@perl.org> wrote:
> On Mon Jun 28 11:38:07 2010, markjreed wrote:
>> That is terribly confusing.  I'm tempted to argue for .pick not being
>> defined on scalar values.
>> Do any of the other non-Enumerated types besides Bool have a finite
>> range?  I'd say .pick should return an appropriate random value when
>> applied to any such.
> I think you misunderstand.
> The confusion doesn't originate in Perl 6, but in Rakudo. It wouldn't 
> manifest if Bool were
> implemented as an enumeration type.
> Bool is an enumerated type in the spec. By the spec, .pick on an enumeration 
> type *should*
> already return an appropriate random value. So far in Rakudo, Bool hasn't 
> been implemented
> as an enumeration type. Therefore (and only therefore) are you seeing this 
> result. Arguing for
> .pick not being defined on scalar values doesn't make any sense.
> If it's really really important that Bool.pick return a random Bool, you can 
> always inject your
> own .pick method in Bool to do this:
>   augment class Bool {
>     method pick() {
>       defined self ?? self !! (True, False).pick
>     }
>   }
> In fact, I see no reason not to patch Rakudo itself with this method for the 
> time being.

Mark J. Reed <markjr...@gmail.com>

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