On Wed Dec 16 07:03:22 2009, masak wrote:
> <masak> rakudo: $/ = "abc"; say $1
> <p6eval> rakudo 55f51d: b␤
> <masak> hihi.
> * masak submits rakudobug
> <pmichaud> rakudo:  my $a = 'abc';  say $a[1];
> <p6eval> rakudo 55f51d: Method 'postcircumfix:[ ]' not found for
> invocant of class 'Str' [...]
> <pmichaud> heh
> <pmichaud> interesting
> <pmichaud> rakudo:  $/ = "abc"; say $/[1]
> <p6eval> rakudo 55f51d: Method 'postcircumfix:[ ]' not found for
> invocant of class 'Str' [...]
> <pmichaud> oh, I get it.
> <masak> pmichaud: it's PIR semantics leaking through in exactly that case.
> <pmichaud> masak++
> <pmichaud> masak: right.

new error:

> my $a = 'abc'; say $a[1];
.[1] out of range for type Str()

Will "Coke" Coleda

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