On Mon Mar 22 07:28:11 2010, masak wrote:
> Bug courtesy of uasi on Twitter:
> <http://twitter.com/uasi/status/10873572370>.
> <masak> rakudo: use Test;
> <jnthn> But that came to and end a while ago. :-)
> <p6eval> rakudo 35f337:  ( no output )
> <masak> rakudo: use Test
> <masak> long delays... :/
> <p6eval> rakudo 35f337:  ( no output )
> <masak> locally, when I have a file with just 'use A;', it works fine.
> If I remove the semicolon, it says 'confused'.
> <jnthn> std: use A;
> <jnthn> std: use A
> <p6eval> std 30169: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤  Can't locate
> module A at /tmp/FQGpoIxpTk line 1:␤------> use
> A⏏;␤ok 00:02 106m␤»
> <p6eval> std 30169: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤  Can't locate
> module A at /tmp/hIrELZGAXV line 1 (EOF):␤------> use
> A⏏<EOL>␤ok 00:01 104m␤»
> <jnthn> :-/
> <masak> both are equally ok.
> <jnthn> agree
> <jnthn> file Rakudo bug if Rakudo refuses to accept the latter.
> * masak files rakudobug
> Just for completeness...
> $ cat A.pm
> say "OH HAI";
> $ cat test
> use A
> $ perl6 test
> Confused at line 1, near "use A\n"
> [...]

This seems to work now:
$ cat A.pm 
say "OH HAI";
$ cat test
use A
$ ./perl6 test

... no trailing confusion. assigning to moritz++ for testing.

Will "Coke" Coleda

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