On Sat May 01 07:09:45 2010, richardh wrote:
> see IRC #perl6 1 May
> finanalyst: rakudo: my %h=<a b c> Z 1,2,3; for %h { .say }
> p6eval: rakudo c4857a: OUTPUT«a 1␤b 2␤c 3␤␤»
> <snip>
> finanalyst: masak: i think there should only be one CR not two in the 
> rakudo output
> masak: yes, now I see it.
> masak: rakudo: my %h=<a b c> Z 1,2,3; say +%h
> p6eval: rakudo c4857a: OUTPUT«3␤»
> masak: odd.
> finanalyst: shall i report a bug?
> masak: please do.

This is fixed:

01:02 <[Coke]> rakudo: my %h=<a b c> Z 1,2,3; for %h { .say }
01:02 <p6eval> rakudo 67778a: OUTPUT«a  1␤b      2␤c      3␤»

Assigning to moritz++ for testing.
Will "Coke" Coleda

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