# New Ticket Created by  "Carl Mäsak" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #78206]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=78206 >

<jnthn> rakudo: class crap { has $.snot = "barf"; has $.eat = "me" };
my $c = crap.new(); for $c.^attributes -> $attr { say
$c."$attr.substr(2)"() }
<p6eval> rakudo 2ee5db: OUTPUT«Method 'substr' not found for invocant
of class 'Attribute' [...]
<jnthn> tssk
<jnthn> rakudo: class crap { has $.snot = "barf"; has $.eat = "me" };
my $c = crap.new(); for $c.^attributes -> $attr { say
$c."$attr.name.substr(2)"() }
<p6eval> rakudo 2ee5db: OUTPUT«barf␤me␤»
<Grimnir_> it does that a lot. saying that Attribute doesn't have that method
<jnthn> ...eww.
<jnthn> Well, yeah
<jnthn> rakudo: say Attribute ~~ Cool
<p6eval> rakudo 2ee5db: OUTPUT«0␤»
* masak submits rakudobug
<jnthn> Attributes aren't cool.
<jnthn> masak: huh.
<masak> I'm assuming that they should be... :)
<jnthn> I'm not at all convinced meta-objects should be in Cool.
<masak> apparently it's bugging people that they're not.
<ash_> Attribute.nqp says: class Atttribute is Any;
<masak> jnthn: is it the circularity that's bothering you?
<jnthn> masak: Yes.
<jnthn> I'd rather we're conservative on this for now.
<jnthn> We can move stuff deeper later maybe.
<masak> fair enuf.
<jnthn> I guess Cool doesn't have any attributes though.
<masak> bug retracted. for now.
<jnthn> So we probably get away with making it Cool
<jnthn> OOC
<masak> if I see this coming up again, I will submit a bug.
<jnthn> rakudo: say Method ~~ Cool
<p6eval> rakudo 2ee5db: OUTPUT«1␤»
<masak> \o/
<jnthn> oh, hm
<jnthn> OK, I guess I can argue consistency there.
* masak submits anyway, then

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