# New Ticket Created by  "Carl Mäsak" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #113404]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org:443/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=113404 >

<sisar> i get 28 failures in t/spec/S03-operators/overflow.t
<sisar> ^rakudo
<sisar> (fresh build)
<moritz> sisar: did you get them before too?
<sisar> moritz: yes.
<moritz> sisar: and are you on a 32bit machine?
<sisar> moritz: yes
<sisar> hmm, i did report it earlier but got no response, but it
doesn't matter now
(http://irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2012-05-18#i_5609766 )
<moritz> sisar: I think [Coke]++ has reported similar behavior
<moritz> I just have trouble reacting to stuff I can't reproduce, even
when I know why
<sisar> Woodi++ reported it on OpenBSD, though don't know if it was
32-bit or 64-bit:
< sisar> r: say -32768 * -65536 ;
<p6eval> rakudo 6555ab: OUTPUT«-2147483648␤»
<sisar> moritz: ^ one of the bugs
<moritz> r: say (-32768) * (-65536)
<sisar> feather is 32-bit ?
<p6eval> rakudo 6555ab: OUTPUT«2147483648␤»
<moritz> no
<moritz> hm
<moritz> not sure actually
<jnthn> What about with --optimize=0, ooc?
<moritz> the problem is probably that the (int, int) version of
infix:<*> is used
<moritz> and that can overflow
* masak submits -32768 * -65536 rakudobug
<masak> sisar++

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