On Tue Apr 13 03:05:56 2010, masak wrote:
> <masak> rakudo: class A { method foo($bar:) { say $bar.WHAT } };
> A.new.foo( :bar(42) )
> <p6eval> rakudo b9aaa3: OUTPUT�Too many positional parameters passed;
> got 1 but expected 1 [...]
> * masak submits LTA rakudobug
> It's questionable whether an invocant can be specified both by the
> dot-call form and by passing a named parameter. In any rate, the
> nonsensical error can be improved; we're not passing *any* positional
> parameters, and if Rakudo got 1 but expected 1 it should not throw an
> error.

This now outputs:

> class A { method foo($bar:) { say $bar.WHAT } }; A.new.foo( :bar(42) )

Will "Coke" Coleda

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