# New Ticket Created by  Ron Schmidt 
# Please include the string:  [perl #114714]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org:443/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=114714 >

Once again I came across a small Makefile critter that blocks the build 
of Rakudo Star 2012-08 on Cygwin.  It appears that Star uses the 2012.08 
tag for NQP in Rakudo Star which is the following commit with, what 
would appear to be, a small oversight: 

The commit removes P5QREGEX_PBC from part of the build process but 
leaves it around in tools/build/Makefile.in on line 539 for the install 
target.  This breaks on cygwin because, for reasons related to a known 
problem, cygwin does cp a bit differently and returns a failing return 
code to make.  Anyway a "-" just before rule on that line to ignore the 
return code fixes the problem and allowed me to finish building Rakudo 
Star on cygwin through "make install".  Removing the line appears to 
work too although I have not tested completely.


So nqp/tools/build/Makefile.in:

install: all
        $(MKPATH)                   $(DESTDIR)$(PARROT_LIBRARY_DIR)
        $(CP)  $(MODULE_LOADER_PBC) 
        $(CP)  $(PAST_PBC)          
        $(MKPATH)                   $(DESTDIR)$(NQP_LANG_DIR)/lib
        $(CP)  $(QAST_PBC)          $(DESTDIR)$(NQP_LANG_DIR)/lib/$(QAST_PBC)
        $(CP)  $(P6QREGEX_PBC)      
        $(CP)  $(P5QREGEX_PBC)      
        $(CP)  $(HLL_PBC)           $(DESTDIR)$(NQP_LANG_DIR)/lib/$(HLL_PBC)

Is fixed with a change to:

install: all
        $(MKPATH)                   $(DESTDIR)$(PARROT_LIBRARY_DIR)
        $(CP)  $(MODULE_LOADER_PBC) 
        $(CP)  $(PAST_PBC)          
        $(MKPATH)                   $(DESTDIR)$(NQP_LANG_DIR)/lib
        $(CP)  $(QAST_PBC)          $(DESTDIR)$(NQP_LANG_DIR)/lib/$(QAST_PBC)
        $(CP)  $(P6QREGEX_PBC)      
        - $(CP)  $(P5QREGEX_PBC)      
        $(CP)  $(HLL_PBC)           $(DESTDIR)$(NQP_LANG_DIR)/lib/$(HLL_PBC)

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