On Tue, Nov 05, 2013 at 04:21:12PM +0100, Jan Ingvoldstad wrote:
> Considering that the specification is sortof actually a language
> specification, I think there should at least be some terms regarding how
> this should apply.

Just to nit semantics a bit and push a little harder on something I've
generally not pushed too much in the past...

I believe that the Perl 6 language "specification" is actually the 
test suite.  Synopsis 1 even indicates this somewhat explicitly:  
"Perl 6 is anything that passes the official test suite"  and
"... Perl 6 is defined primarily by its desired semantics, not by
accidents of history."

To me, the Synopses are primarily a detailed language description,
and I'm increasingly wishing we wouldn't consider them as "the 
language specification"...

> Forking the documentation, or creating derivative works, shouldn't be a
> problem, as long as it doesn't change the specification in itself, and
> thereby create confusion regarding what the Perl 6 specification is.

...and this is the exact reason for that wish.  The documentation isn't
the specification at all -- the test suite is.


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