# New Ticket Created by  "Carl Mäsak" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #121426]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=121426 >

<timotimo> masak: there's a rakudobug for you to report in #moarvm :)
<masak> r: sub z of Int { }; say &z ~~ Callable
<camelia> rakudo-parrot 1aeb7c, rakudo-jvm 1aeb7c, rakudo-moar 1aeb7c:
<masak> r: sub z of Int { }; say &z ~~ Callable[Int]
<camelia> rakudo-parrot 1aeb7c, rakudo-jvm 1aeb7c, rakudo-moar 1aeb7c:
* masak submits rakudobug
<masak> r: multi x(Int &y) { say 1 }; multi x(Str &y) { say 2 }; sub z
of Int { }; x &z
<camelia> rakudo-moar 1aeb7c: OUTPUT«Cannot call 'x'; none of these
signatures match:␤:(Int &y)␤:(Str &y)␤  in sub x [...]»
<camelia> ..rakudo-parrot 1aeb7c: OUTPUT«Cannot call 'x'; none of
these signatures match:␤:(Int &y)␤:(Str &y)␤  in any [...]»
<camelia> ..rakudo-jvm 1aeb7c: OUTPUT«Cannot call 'x'; none of these
signatures match:␤:(Int &y)␤:(Str &y)␤  in any  [...]»

The signature error is likely caused by &z not smartmatching
Callable[Int]. Fix that, and the last eval should start working, too.

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