This has changed. The former KeyBag is a BagHash now and the code snippet no 
longer generates a key "a" with a value "b". Instead it generates a key of type 
Pair ("a" => "b") with the corresponding value 1:

$ perl6-m -e 'my $a = (a=>"b") ); for $a.kv -> $key, $val { say 
$key, "  isa  ", $key.WHAT; say $val }'
"a" => "b"  isa  (Pair)

If I omit the parens around a=>"b" I get an empty BagHash:

$ perl6-m -e 'my $a = a=>"b" ); say $a.perl'

That looks reasonable to me. Is the ticket closable with tests?

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