I added a test for the first example to S02-types/baghash.t with the following 
commit: https://github.com/perl6/roast/commit/502f2ca59d

After staring at it for a while I'm no longer convinced that the following 
should result in an empty BagHash:

$ perl6-m -e 'my $a = BagHash.new( a=>"b" ); say $a.perl'

Shouldn't that Hash get a Pair as it's first key as well? Compare the output 
with the a quoted.

$ perl6-m -e 'my $a = BagHash.new( "a"=>"b" ); for $a.kv -> $key, $val { say 
$key, " isa ", $key.WHAT; say $val }'
"a" => "b" isa (Pair)

For the time being I'll leave the ticket open.

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