On Sat Jan 04 02:26:52 2014, masak wrote:
> On Sun Dec 29 08:24:44 2013, FROGGS.de wrote:
> > <FROGGS> p: say qq:to/EOF/ ~~ /\t/;␤\thello␤EOF␤# the tab is
> > preserved
> > <camelia> rakudo-parrot c14a84: OUTPUT«「  」␤␤»
> > <FROGGS> p: say qq:to/EOF/ ~~ /\t/;␤    \thello␤    EOF␤# now it is
> > gone
> > <camelia> rakudo-parrot c14a84: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
> >
> > In the second example it is meant to strip four space chars, but
> > additionally it converts the tabs to space chars. Which is bad for
> > e.g. Makefiles.
> I agree. S32/Str is a bit vague about what to do in this case. It
> talks about different policies (spaces only, only some other \h char,
> or mixed types) when *adding* spaces, but it doesn't mention what to
> do when removing spaces.
> I'm fine with clarifying the spec, as long as we err on the side of
> sanity/consistency. Feel free to run any patches through me for
> review.

TimToady++ confirmed that \t falls under the same rule as \r, \n, and so forth 
- that is, we should be interpolating it after considering the dedent. I've 
implemented that now, and it's tested in S02-literals/quoting.t.


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