The understanding of what is going on has certainly become an order or
magnitude harder.

I personally feel that the way the naming has been done has failed on the
"keep easy things easy" part.

The C vs GCC example by someone was a good one... C being a specification,
and GCC being the compiler with version numbers.

However, having a number in the name part of a specification - especially
when there was a perl4, perl5 is very very confusing.

There is neither consistency with how the "rest of the world" seems to name
stuff or continuity with how perl compliers / executables were themselves

Why not just called Perl 6 something like "AbraCobraDabra" (aka, a
completely new thing) - i suspect it's been called Perl 6 because:
* The powers that be wanted a "feeling of continuity / relatibility" (as
Perl 5 is ubiquitous) and something seen as a "brand new language" would
have a higher dropoff in takeup

For someone who is new to Perl 6 (but i was a "Perl Programmer" for a long
time), i have been thoroughly confused by all the naming - i appreciate
that there is much more abstraction of layers now, which is great, but the
naming has creating a much higher learning curve to understand what is
actually going on... i'm probably still thoroughly wrong on stuff but here
is my understanding now (and i admit, i'm far from the sharpest tool in the

* Perl 6 is akin to "C" (a specification) (i wish they had called it
something completely different though as to be frank, Perl5 to Perl6 looks
like a transition between different languages - eg. between Python and Go;
there are fundamental differences in notation and the way things are done -
i claim no-one looking at some code in perl5 vs perl6 (not knowing either
language) would say they were completely different languages)

* Perl 6.c is similar to "ANSI C" (an new / upgraded specification)

* Rakudo is akin to "GCC" (an implementation of the specification with it's
own extensions)

* MoarVM / JVM are the VM's that Rakudo can run on (this is an abstraction
layer so that we can in the future have different languages talk to each
other nicely)

* ParrotVM seems to be pretty much dead? (this is not a trolling question,
it appears from certain emails on this list in the past few days that this
seems to be an opinion, i'm just taking it at face value...)

* Panda is akin to CPAN???

* I'm assuming people will develop more VM's - which will lead to:
  * Better portability between some languages
  * But also lead to things being implemented differently with nuances that
cause massive headaches - ie. Already probably when you move from Rakudo
MoarVM to Rakuto JVM, things probably break.

I'm assuming JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine - and Rakudo on JVM lets
you write Perl 6 code (or should i say "Perl 6.c" or "Rakudo Code"???) that
can talk to some of your Java Code easily (including exchanging data
objects, etc? - i'd love if someone can indicating if i'm sort of correct
with my assumption or totally off the mark...

In short, i think i like pretty much everything about Perl 6, except that
it's got a number and the words "Perl" in it's name :)

simran :)

On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 10:16 PM, Alex Becker <> wrote:

> As this is a frequent answer I encounter when having a look at Perl 6,
> maybe it's worth having a look at it's message:
> There will be no Perl 6.
> There will be no Perl 6 by definition, because Perl 6 is only a
> specification. You cannot program a specification.
> Let's call this statement "specimplexpl".
> A pessimist, or simply some random guy looking for a nice, modern
> programming language will read the following:
> Stop waiting for it. Or asking for it, as you will only get specimplexpl +
> (hopefully) the RSS feed with the latest Rakudo* releases.
> Learn something useful you could actually use to make a living nowadays,
> e.g. C# .NET or Java (the latter if you are in science / public sector).
> Why, why do we have to fail this way in terms of marketing?
> Why do we pray the specimplexpl on the Rakudo* download page at the
> begining? Why do we pray the specimplexpl when someone asks for a Perl 6
> implementation (we did get his intention, as it can be seen with the other
> answers).
> Perl 6 is so cool. You put so much effort into Perl 6. It's like an
> offense to all this hard work when telling someone that "there isn't a Perl
> 6.x as such".
> Would it have harmed the holy spec if more people posted a blog post
> titled "Perl 6 is out" or "Perl 6 X-Mas release" (like this one:
> The specimplexpl can still be done in the body part. Or as a foot note, if
> someone will actually mention that the download link will yield a
> rakduso.msi file and nor a Perl-6.msi file.
> The Perl6 home page is a nicder example of how it can be done the right
> way - it has a "Download Rakudo Perl 6" button. But there however, we fail
> on the final meters.
> The latest download is Rakudo Star 2015.09
> <>,
> I didn't find 2015.12 here: (or a file
> named Perl-6-xmas-release.msi, as some kind of fun or an xmas present).
> There was so much magic about this' years Christmas, as Perl 6 has come
> out - somehow.
> And we don't use it.
> Instead, we still pray: specimplexpl. Everywhere.
> What do we expect that new interested people are looking for when
> searching for Perl 6?
> What do they search for, when they ask about a Perl 6 release? What do
> they want to download?
> A spec?
> A specimplexpl?
> Or, maybe the successor of Perl 5? In the same relation as Python 2 and
> Python 3? PHP 4 and PHP 5? SBCL 1.2.7 and SBCL 1.2.14? COBOL-68 and
> COBOL-2002?
> We fail at Perl 6 marketing.
> If you are looking for the Perl 6 Christmas release then visit
> and try you luck.
> 2015-12-28 19:41 GMT+01:00 Will Coleda <>:
>> There isn't a 6.0.0 as such.
>> Perl 6's language specification, versioned 6.c (aka Christmas) was
>> released; at the same time, the Rakudo Perl 6 compiler, version
>> 2015.12 was released, which is the most up to date implementation of
>> this specification.
>> The specification is intended to have only minor changes in 6.c going
>> forward; the next version (6.d, no specific release date planned) will
>> likely have more involved changes. In the meantime, an implementation
>> that supports 6.c is free to change internals or parts of the language
>> that were not explicitly part of the 6.c specification.
>> Future versions of the compiler may have support for multiple versions
>> of the specification that can be handled with a lexical "use v6.c" to
>> get old behavior once the spec changes.
>> Finally, Rakudo * is a distribution that includes the compiler and
>> multiple modules; Look for this bundled release of the 2015.12 Rakudo
>> in the next few days.
>> On Sun, Dec 27, 2015 at 2:33 PM, webmind <> wrote:
>> > Hiya,
>> >
>> > I'm a bit confused, there is a major release for Perl 6, but I know
>> > wonder if this is the 6.0.0 release or when this will be?
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> >
>> > web
>> >
>> > --
>> > GPG Key:
>> > GPG Fingerprint:         0506976E 234653B4 A628EC33 E23D16EE FCF154AE
>> > XMPP  D79970A8 7EC43E29 186D86BA 590F20F6 4C7930B8
>> > XMPP 11E91112 091881F7 53EF6108 63C48543 C74D035C
>> > (exp: 08/04/2016) SHA256:
>> >
>> C2:40:67:22:25:52:29:AF:DF:50:4E:2A:6B:32:6D:BC:5B:1E:CA:7D:52:3B:4C:4A:21:5D:C8:E5:AE:7D:1A:09
>> > Puscii (exp: 04/03/2016) SHA256:
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>> >
>> --
>> Will "Coke" Coleda

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