Maybe try it without the term, just "method funnychar (..."
On Apr 10, 2016 09:23, "Theo van den Heuvel" <> wrote:

> Hi perl6 fans,
> I can use funny characters in operators or in sub names (using
> term:<...>). However, when I try the same thing with an operator as in:
> <code>
> class Foo {
>   method term:<❤> { "mem heart".say }
> }
> my Foo $foo .= new;
> $foo.❤;
> </code>
> I get:
> Malformed postfix call
> That is unexpected for me, but is this as it should be?
> This is Rakudo version 2016.01.1 built on MoarVM version 2016.01
> Thanks,
> --
> Theo van den Heuvel
> Van den Heuvel HLT Consultancy

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