Hi Brock,

no, that gives me
Missing block


Brock Wilcox schreef op 2016-04-10 15:55:
Maybe try it without the term, just "method funnychar (..."
On Apr 10, 2016 09:23, "Theo van den Heuvel" <vdheu...@heuvelhlt.nl>

Hi perl6 fans,

I can use funny characters in operators or in sub names (using
term:<...>). However, when I try the same thing with an operator as

class Foo {
  method term:<❤> { "mem heart".say }

my Foo $foo .= new;

I get:
Malformed postfix call

That is unexpected for me, but is this as it should be?

This is Rakudo version 2016.01.1 built on MoarVM version 2016.01


Theo van den Heuvel
Van den Heuvel HLT Consultancy

Theo van den Heuvel
Van den Heuvel HLT Consultancy
Malden, The Netherlands
 +31 24 3736356
 +31 625492788

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