“Will leave this ticket open a little longer for further comments/discussion,
but my intention is to reject it.”

Nope, that's not exactly a good sounding plan.

We'll run toaster and fix all modules that require fixing (or create
appropriate issues if fixing something turns out to be too hard). This is
exactly what I did for Grammar.parse change before the previous release (even
though we reverted it anyway). And this is what I'm planning to do for this
change also.

You are 100% right about the change, but flipping the ecosystem upside down is
not exactly a good strategy even if you're right.

On 2017-09-05 09:11:19, allber...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 5:40 AM, jn...@jnthn.net via RT <
> perl6-bugs-follo...@perl.org> wrote:
> > Failing to close output handles has been clearly documented (and yes,
> > documented well before the recent buffering change) as something that can
> > cause data loss. Default output buffering just makes it quite a lot more
> > likely to show up.
> >
> > While there will be some ecosystem fallout like this, unfortunately I
> > don't think it's avoidable. If we whip out the patch that turns output
> > buffering on by default for non-TTYs for this release, then when will we
> > include it? The longer we leave it, the more painful it will be, because
> > more code will be written that is careless with handles.
> >
> > I don't think "leave it off by default" is a good option either, otherwise
> > we get to spend the next decade hearing "Perl 6 I/O is slow" because it'd
> > be one of the only languages that doesn't buffer its output without an
> > explicit flag being passed to enable that (which nearly nobody doing quick
> > benchmarks will know to use).
> >
> Are we missing something to flush/close handles at exit? Leaving it to a GC
> that may not finalize before exit is not really an option.

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