NCurses, Term::Choose, Term::Choose::Util, and Term::TablePrint:

This one is weird because it seems to be working unless you run it under prove.
Perhaps the module is alright but it's the test that is broken.

On 2017-09-13 18:16:56, wrote:
> FWIW there is still some ecosystem fallout (possibly very minor). I'll be
> linking issues here so that we have all things in one place.
> IO::MiddleMan and Lumberjack:
> On 2017-09-11 04:18:39, elizabeth wrote:
> > Fixed with 3c9cfdba88287e23e0ced8 (and further refined by later
> > commits), tests needed.
> >
> > > On 6 Sep 2017, at 15:38, via RT <perl6-bugs-
> > >> wrote:
> > >
> > > On Tue, 05 Sep 2017 09:11:19 -0700, wrote:
> > >> On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 5:40 AM, via RT <
> > >>> wrote:
> > >>
> > >>> Failing to close output handles has been clearly documented (and
> > >>> yes,
> > >>> documented well before the recent buffering change) as something
> > >>> that can
> > >>> cause data loss. Default output buffering just makes it quite a lot
> > >>> more
> > >>> likely to show up.
> > >>>
> > >>> While there will be some ecosystem fallout like this, unfortunately
> > >>> I
> > >>> don't think it's avoidable. If we whip out the patch that turns
> > >>> output
> > >>> buffering on by default for non-TTYs for this release, then when
> > >>> will we
> > >>> include it? The longer we leave it, the more painful it will be,
> > >>> because
> > >>> more code will be written that is careless with handles.
> > >>>
> > >>> I don't think "leave it off by default" is a good option either,
> > >>> otherwise
> > >>> we get to spend the next decade hearing "Perl 6 I/O is slow"
> > >>> because it'd
> > >>> be one of the only languages that doesn't buffer its output without
> > >>> an
> > >>> explicit flag being passed to enable that (which nearly nobody
> > >>> doing quick
> > >>> benchmarks will know to use).
> > >>>
> > >>
> > >> Are we missing something to flush/close handles at exit? Leaving it
> > >> to a GC
> > >> that may not finalize before exit is not really an option.
> > >>
> > > To recap the IRC discussion yesterday: no, we haven't had this so far
> > > (except for stdout/stderr), and have gotten away with it due to the
> > > lack of output buffering. At present, we can either choose between:
> > >
> > > 1) Start keeping a list of open files, and at exit close them
> > > (flushing is already part of closing). This can be done at Perl 6
> > > level, in the same place we make sure to run END blocks.
> > >
> > > 2) Having unclosed handles possible to GC, and closing them if/when
> > > they get GC'd.
> > >
> > > Today we are doing #2. We could switch to doing #1. We can't
> > > currently do both, because the moment we start keeping a list of open
> > > handles then they can't be GC'd, and so #2 can't happen.
> > >
> > > My initial inclination was to preserve behavior #2, though others
> > > have pointed out that behavior #1 is more useful for debugging in
> > > that it ensures log files, for example, will be written in the event
> > > of a crash, and a program relying on behavior #2 could already run
> > > out of handles today anyway if it were less lucky with GC timing.
> > > This is a fair argument, and the automatic close at exit might be
> > > softer on the ecosystem too (but would have done nothing for the
> > > Text::CSV case, which is the original subject of this ticket, because
> > > it wrote a file, didn't close it, then separately opened it for
> > > reading).
> > >
> > > There's probably enough consensus to switch to option #1, and
> > > lizmat++ mentioned maybe looking into a patch to do that.
> > >
> > > In the longer run, we can have both, but it depends on implementing
> > > weak references. In terms of backend support, the JVM does have them,
> > > and it seems there's an npm package [1] exposing v8 weak refs so a
> > > Node.js backend could support that also. I'm OK with adding them to
> > > MoarVM in the future, but both doing that and exposing weak
> > > references at Perl 6 level would be a non-small, and certainly non-
> > > trivial, task.

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