John Tobey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  (FWIW, it seems on many of the modern 
>> processors that inlining code decreases your performance, so I think 
>> deciding on stuff like that is rather premature)
>Is foo() compiled any differently in
>    inline i_foo() { BLA; BLA; BLA; }
>    foo() { i_foo(); }
>    foo() { BLA; BLA; BLA; }

Maybe not for void functions with no args, tail-called and with 
no prefix, but in more typically cases yes it can be different
the "function-ness" of i_foo applies constaints on where args
and "result" are which optimizer _may_ not be able to unravel.

Try it and see on your favourite architecture 

gcc -S -O2 ...
and then diff the results.

>?  I am not talking about forcing inlined functions down anyone's

I believe that if function is defined before use "modern" C compilers
(e.g. gcc) can inline functions not declared such.

>Non-inline functions have their place in reducing code size
>and easing debugging.  I just want an i_foo for every foo that callers
>will have the option of using.

Before we make any promises to do all that extra work can we 
measure (for various architectures) the cost of a real call vs inline.

I want proof that inline makes X% difference.

If that proof is there and inline is a "significant win" then 
we teach "PI" or whatever ends up being used instead of #define
to emit the above when "source" defines foo().

Nick Ing-Simmons

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