Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This seems a bit premature, given that we haven't actually come up with 
> even a framework for an API, or hashed out much on the format of variables 
> or the interpreter structure. (Nor the threading or event stuff...)
> Are you comfortable with a shorter term list (Say,two or four weeks) that 
> will work up several different GC RFCs, based on various constraints? If 
> so, I'm fine with it.

Sure, if that's your preference.

I guess, more than establishing a working group, I'm hoping to siphon
GC debates out of the more general internals list, since a lot of
people love discussing GC at great length, and I don't expect that
debate to have much relevance to the rest of the internals.

John Tobey, late nite hacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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]]]             With enough bugs, all eyes are shallow.           [[[
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