Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's going to complicate a lot of things, and it will mean perl will end 
> up doing all sorts of temp SV creation when these 'mini SVs' get passed to 
> subs. Plus it complicates life a lot for people writing the guts. (Which 
> would be us. :)

The proof is in the pudding, so I won't add more to this discussion
until I have some code to back it up.

> I think this sort of optimization is very premature,

We're not talking about optimizing (or even implementing) this today.
We're talking about leaving the door open.

> and it will require 
> jumping through a lot of hoops because of perl's profligate use of dynamic 
> polymorphing. If it's needed, well, we'll do it, but I'd rather put the 
> effort elsewhere to start.

Not to be rude, but the effort is not yours to put.  Except for your
own effort, that is.  Although I'll read your every suggestion with
due consideration, I (and, I imagine, most of us here) will code
exactly that which interests me.


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