Chaim Frenkel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> If the sync data is in the SV, I believe there is a race
> >> condition between the destruction and grabbing a lock.
> DS> Nope. If the variable is shared, the lock will need to be taken
> DS> to destroy it. If it's not shared it's not an issue.
> How can you grab the lock if the data is destroyed? I think the
> locking structure has to be outside the thing being locked.

Umm, you lock the data, then you destroy it.  Destruction is just like
any other modification, except that there's nothing left to unlock
when you're done.  Hmm, how do we politely tell the guy waiting for
the lock we destroyed to have better luck next time...  Maybe don't
free the memory until we lock the arena page.

John Tobey, late nite hacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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]]]             With enough bugs, all eyes are shallow.           [[[
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