Nick Ing-Simmons wrote:

> Cross posted to internals ('cos it is...)

Be it on your head... ;-)

> We should consider using "vtables" to avoid the cost of the conditional
> branches (and running out of flag bits).
> Thus this function would call variables "type check" "method" -
> which for normal case would be pointer to blue-white-hot "NoOp" function
> which is near always in-cache, for a typed var it could be a slow
> as you wanted...

Hmm.  I'm not at all convinced that this analysis is correct.  Even if
the called function is in cache, the overhead of making a call probably
dwarfs that of the actual contents of such a simple call, and I suspect
that for perl the real cache clobbering hits the D cache rather than the
I cache.  I suspect reorganising the data structures to be cache
friendly would gain more benefit than avoiding a few inline bit

I think a range of alternative implementation mechanisms needs to be
benchmarked very carefully on a range of architectures before making a
choice.  The one thing that is certain about cache behaviour is that it
is very difficult to predict without actually trying stuff out.

Alan Burlison

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