> > I'm not sure anyone does that much in the way of time/date work that it'd
> > make a difference. Besides, we're talking internal here--time() may still
> > return Unix epoch seconds for compatibility reasons.
> Blah!  I saw the prosal for an mjdate() routine and thought it was at
> the language level for some reason.  This RFC should go to -internals
> so that I don't get confused that way  :-)

Hey wait, you're both right! :-)

The idea would be twofold:

   1. time() would still return UNIX epoch time. However, it
      would not be in core, and would not be the primary
      timekeeping method. It would be in Time::Local for 
      compatibility (along with localtime and gmtime).

   2. mjdate() would return MJD. It _would_ be in core, and
      it _would_ be the internal timekeeping method. All
      of the new date functions would be designed to be based
      off of it.

So, just to clarify:

   1. The Perl 5 way in Perl 6:

        use Time::Local;
        $date = localtime time();

   2. The Perl 6 native way:

        $date = date mjdate();

Make sense?


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